Year: 2021

Henson Efron Named a Star Tribune Top Workplace

Henson Efron Named a Star Tribune Top Workplace

We are proud to announce Henson Efron has been named one of the Top 175 Workplaces in Minnesota by the Star Tribune. Top Workplaces recognizes the most progressive companies in Minnesota based on employee opinions measuring engagement, organizational health and satisfaction. The analysis is produced by the Star Tribune and includes responses from over 76,000 employees at public, private and nonprofit organizations. “The…


Recent Firm Press Coverage

Recent Firm Press Coverage

We recently moved to our new location within the Capella Tower and the media has highlighted our new space! This new location reflects the 45-year-old firm’s vision of a modern workplace. It supports how the nature of work has evolved over the past year and incorporates flexibility that will continue into the future.  To read our…


2020 North Star Lawyers

2020 North Star Lawyers

We are proud to announce Henson Efron attorneys Christopher Burns, Jaime Driggs, Katy Graves, Anne Haaland and Scott Neilson have been recognized as 2020 North Star Lawyers by the Minnesota State Bar Association. The MSBA recognized over 757 North Star Lawyers who, in 2020, certified that they provided at least 50 hours of pro bono…


New Point of View

New Point of View

We are pleased to announce that this May, Henson Efron is moving to Capella Tower, which is just across the street from our current location. We’re excited to welcome you into our new space as we continue to provide you with high quality legal services. OUR NEW ADDRESS EFFECTIVE MAY 17, 2021225 South 6th St,…