Thought Leadership


Navigating Minnesota’s New Pay Transparency Law: What Employers Need to Know

On January 1, 2025, a significant shift in Minnesota’s employment landscape will take place with the implementation of a new pay transparency law. Under this statute, employers will be required to disclose salary ranges or fixed pay rates in all job postings. This new mandate, part of the broader Omnibus Labor and Industry Policy Bill signed into law in May 2024 by Governor Walz, will be codified at Minn. Stat. § 181.173.

Articles & Insights | Featured Article

New global networking group for women comes to the Twin Cities. The new local chapter of Ellevate will kick off with a June 21 event. Minnesota women play an ever more prominent role in business, but making critical connections across sectors can sometimes be difficult. In June, the Twin Cities is officially launching a local…


Are you ready for your close-up? When the news broke after Prince’s April 21 death that the music superstar apparently didn’t leave a will, prospective heirs to his fortune started coming out of the woodwork. And when that happened, news outlets far and wide did likewise, wanting to talk to Twin Cities probate and estate…


Henson Efron announced that six of its attorneys were honored by the Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA) as North Star Lawyers, recognizing their commitment to pro bono service in 2015. Each attorney volunteered 50 hours or more of their time serving low income Minnesotans last year. Christopher J. Burns – Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Jaime…


Christopher Burns interviews with ABC News Good Morning America and KSTP-TV Channel 5 About Minnesota Law and Prince’s Estate. Hearing for Prince’s Estate Scheduled for Monday to Decide Latest on Inheritance  Eva Pilgrim May 1, 2016 Probate Firm Says Another Heir Could Be Named to Prince’s Estate  Brett Hoffland  April 29, 2016      


Tax attorney, Stephen Hopkins, Speaks with Reuters’ Reporters, Ben Klayman and Alex Dobuzinskis about Minnesota law and predicted a long, drawn-out case over Prince’s assets. Prince died without a will, six siblings likely to share fortune   Tue Apr 26, 2016   Alex Dobuzinskis, Reuters Still no will found for Prince as Minnesota court opens probate process   Mon…


Prince’s Sister says Musician Had No Will, Files Paperwork Asking for Special Administrator Prince’s sister says the superstar musician had no known will, she’s filed paperwork asking that a special administrator be appointed by the court. Attorney Christopher Burns says that basically means a large financial institution will come in and do inventory of Prince’s…