Revocation of Beneficiary Designations Upon Divorce

By: Kathryn (Katy) Graves | Minnesota Lawyer | February 10, 2014
Beneficiary Designations, Divorce Settlements


Kathyrn Graves and Jaime Driggs have some insight when it comes to the revocation of beneficiary designations upon divorce in a family law article in Minnesota Lawyer™.

Read more at Revocation of Beneficiary Designations Upon Divorce.

  Originally published for Minnesota Lawyer
Kathryn (Katy) Graves
The law can seem cold and impersonal, but in every family law case, hearts are involved. I form trusted relationships with my clients—spouses, parents, and grandparents—to ensure you feel important and respected. I actively listen to achieve your goals and help you through this difficult time. As a purposeful advocate, I can assure that you will have a voice during negotiations or in court. There...