We are proud to announce that 21 of our attorneys have been honored by Best Lawyers® for their legal excellence. Since The Best Lawyers in America was first published in 1983, the same peer review process has been consistently used to highlight the best legal talent in America.
At Henson Efron, we believe that providing the best possible client service starts within our office walls. Each one of us—attorneys, paralegals, and support staff—is committed to excellence. Congratulations to all of our honorees.
Christopher Burns Recognized 5 Years Elder Law Litigation – Trusts and Estates Trusts and Estates Carter DeLaittre Real Estate Law Joseph Dixon, Jr. Recognized 15 Years Bet-the-Company Litigation Commercial Litigation Mediation Jaime Driggs Recognized 5 Years Family Law Alan Eidsness Recognized 25 Years Family Law Family Law Mediation Kathryn Graves Recognized 5 Years Family Law Family Law Mediation J.R. Maddox Litigation – Intellectual Property |
Scott Neilson Litigation – Insurance Product Liability Litigation – Defendants Melissa Nilsson Recognized 5 Years Family Law David Bradley Olsen Recognized 5 Years Litigation – Labor and Employment Product Liability Litigation – Defendants Product Liability Litigation – Plaintiffs Clark Opdahl Mergers and Acquisitions Law Brigitt Orfield Closely Held Companies & Family Businesses Law Trusts and Estates Jeffrey Shea Real Estate Law Lisa Spencer Recognized 5 Years Family Law Stuart Williams Recognized 5 Years Commercial Litigation |

Sarvesh Desai
Business Organizations (including LLCs)
Corporate Law
Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Eric Friske
Commercial Litigation
Litigation – Labor and Employment
Litigation – Trusts and Estates
Anne Haaland
Family Law
Benjamin Hamborg
Commercial Litigation
Litigation – Labor and Employment
Litigation – Trusts and Estates
Maria Plese
Litigation – Trusts and Estates
Trusts and Estates
Allison Plunkett
Business Organizations (including LLCs)
For our entire menu of services, click here.