Thought Leadership

The Purchase Agreement: Part II

The Purchase Agreement: Part II

Previously, we discussed key purchase agreement provisions and concepts, including purchase price, earnest money and payments terms. In this edition, we’ll take a closer look at the due diligence process.  Here is what you need to know: During the due diligence process, the Buyer will inspect and investigate the property to determine if the contingencies…

Commercial Real Estate, Mortgage Defaults
Relocating with a Child Requirements

Relocating with a Child Requirements

Alan Eidsness | Jaime Driggs | Minnesota Lawyer

The law governing out-of-state relocation of children changed in 2006 with the adoption of Minnesota’s removal statute, replacing the endangerment standard with an eight factor best interest standard and placing the burden of proof on the party seeking to relocate. Read family law attorneys Alan C. Eidsness and Jaime Driggs analysis in “What Type of Hearing…

Domestic Relations, Relocating with a Child