Awards & Honors

Henson Efron Rebrand 2025

New Look, Same Dedication to Our Clients

Henson Efron has refreshed its brand to reflect a modern perspective while staying true to the values that have always defined us. Our commitment to providing strategic guidance, practical solutions, and a people-centered approach remains unchanged.


David Bradley Olsen Comments on Ninth Circuit Native Voting Rights Decision

David Bradley Olsen Comments on Ninth Circuit Native Voting Rights Decision

Indian law attorney David Bradley Olsen is optimistic after the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Portland, Oregon, dismissed the Native voting rights lawsuit, Wandering Medicine v. McCulloch, on October 30, 2013.  The Montana tribal members’ appeal was dismissed as moot because it applied to reservation polling places that had been denied for the 2012 election,…


Alan C. Eidsness and Jaime Driggs Co-Author Family Law Article

Alan C. Eidsness and Jaime Driggs Co-Author Family Law Article

Family law attorneys Alan C. Eidsness and Jaime Driggs co-authored “Parenting Consultants: Lessons from the Case Law,” which covers recent court decisions that shed light on the challenging issues raised by the use of parenting consultants. The article is part of a series previously printed in Minnesota Lawyer concerning topics relevant to the area of…


Alan C. Eidsness and Melissa J. Nilsson present “Get Ready to Deviate: Calculating Gross Income of Business Owners in light of Haefele v. Haefele”

Alan C. Eidsness and Melissa J. Nilsson present “Get Ready to Deviate: Calculating Gross Income of Business Owners in light of Haefele v. Haefele”

Family law attorneys Alan C. Eidsness and Melissa J. Nilsson presented “Get Ready to Deviate: Calculating Gross Income of Business Owners in light of Haefele v. Haefele” for a Hennepin County Bar Association – Family Law Section CLE session on October 9, 2013. The session addressed the impact of the Minnesota Supreme Court decision of…


Henson Efron Wins Major Defense Jury Victory for Client

Henson Efron Wins Major Defense Jury Victory for Client

Henson Efron announced today a significant defense victory for its client, a provider of worldwide logistics solutions headquartered in Minnesota, in a jury trial conducted in the Dakota County District Court of Minnesota. In the lawsuit, the client was alleged to have misappropriated trade secrets of a competitor, tortiously interfered with the competitor’s agreements and…


Stuart T. Williams Elected Chair of the Practice Act Review Task Force

Stuart T. Williams Elected Chair of the Practice Act Review Task Force

Litigation and environmental law attorney Stuart T. Williams was elected Chair of the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy’s Practice Act Review Task Force on October 11, 2013.  The task force was appointed by the Board to review and consider changes to the Pharmacy Practice Act. Williams also serves on the Minnesota Board of Nursing and the…


David Bradley Olsen

David Bradley Olsen

A litigation attorney, David Bradley Olsen also represents athletes and entertainers and recently expanded his practice to include Indian law.  In 2013, David was appointed by the Minnesota Supreme Court to the Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure and was selected, again, for inclusion in Minnesota Super Lawyers. Along with his accomplished…


Stephen L. Hopkins Discusses Section 877A Expatriation Tax

Stephen L. Hopkins Discusses Section 877A Expatriation Tax

Tax law attorney Stephen L. Hopkins presented “Eduardo Saverin and Section 877A Expatriation Tax” on September 19, 2013 at a Minnesota State Bar Association section education meeting.  The presentation gave an overview of Section 877A, which deems all property of a covered expatriate is sold for its fair market value on the day before the…


Christopher J. Burns named a 2014 Five Star Estate Planning Attorney

Christopher J. Burns named a 2014 Five Star Estate Planning Attorney

Christopher J. Burns, chair of Henson Efron’s Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Practice Group, has been selected as a 2014 Five Star Estate Planning Attorney in the Twin Cities area. To receive the award, an estate planning attorney must satisfy 10 objective eligibility and evaluation criteria that are associated with estate planning attorneys who provide…


Christopher Burns and Joe Larkin to Speak about Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples at Minnesota’s Planning for Success Symposium

Christopher Burns and Joe Larkin to Speak about Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples at Minnesota’s Planning for Success Symposium

Christopher J. Burns, Chair of the Estate Planning, Probate and Trust practice group, will join Joe Larkin, vice president of AdvisorNet Insurance and shareholder at AdvisorNet Financial, to present Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples at the Planning for Success Financial Planning Symposium on October 14, 2013 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The seminar will address…


Former Vice President Walter Mondale discusses U.S. intelligence agencies and FISA at Legal Netlink Alliance’s 20th Anniversary Conference

Former Vice President Walter Mondale discusses U.S. intelligence agencies and FISA at Legal Netlink Alliance’s 20th Anniversary Conference

Henson Efron hosted over 60 members from across the country along with attorneys from Belgium, Italy, Brazil and France (to name a few) for Legal Netlink Alliance’s (LNA) 20th anniversary conference. On Friday, September 27, 2013, attendees heard former Vice President Walter Mondale speak on the topic of U.S. intelligence agencies and the Foreign Intelligence…


Henson Efron Attorneys Featured in Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal as “People on the Move”

Henson Efron Attorneys Featured in Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal as “People on the Move”

The Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal featured Stanley Efron, William Forsyth, Alan Eidsness, and Joseph Dixon, Jr. in the “People on the Move” section for being selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2014. Since it was first published in 1983, Best Lawyers® has become universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence. Because Best Lawyers…


Henson Efron Attorneys Named As The Best Lawyers in America® 2014

Henson Efron Attorneys Named As The Best Lawyers in America® 2014

Minneapolis-based law firm Henson Efron announced today that four of its attorneys were recently selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America®2014. (Copyright 2013 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, S.C.) The four Henson Efron attorneys named as Best Lawyers for 2014 are: Joseph T. Dixon, Jr. – Bet-the-Company Litigation and Commercial Litigation…


Jennie A. Clarke Featured in WomenVenture Newsletter for Volunteer Work

Jennie A. Clarke Featured in WomenVenture Newsletter for Volunteer Work

Business law attorney Jennie A. Clarke was featured in the WomenVenture newsletter for her volunteer work with the organization.  She was joined by another Henson Efron business attorney, Rochelle L. Hauser, in developing the curriculum for a variety of sessions on legal topics for small business owners with WomenVenture Senior Client and Loan Services Officer…