Henson Efron has refreshed its brand to reflect a modern perspective while staying true to the values that have always defined us. Our commitment to providing strategic guidance, practical solutions, and a people-centered approach remains unchanged.
Press/Media Coverage
Family Law attorney, Jaime Driggs, quoted in Minnesota Lawyer article
Court says ‘follow the money’ by Barbara L. Jones, Editor, Minnesota Lawyer November 17, 2016 Link to full article Excerpt from article The opinion may require attorneys to reconsider what is the proper evidence in their cases. “Assessing income generated from a property award is nothing new but Curtis reveals another dimension to that analysis….
Henson Efron Ranked Tier 1 & Tier 2 Metropolitan “Best Law Firm” by U.S. News – Best Lawyers®
Three practice areas at the Minneapolis law firm Henson Efron were recently included in the 2017 “Best Law Firms” list in the Minneapolis metropolitan area by U.S. News Media Group, the publishers of U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers®. As part of this year’s ranking, Henson Efron’s Family Law practice was named at…
Attorneys Named as The Best Lawyers in America® 2017
Henson Efron announced today that eight of its attorneys were recently selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2017. (Copyright 2016 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, S.C.) The Henson Efron attorneys named as Best Lawyers for 2017 are: Joseph T. Dixon, Jr. – Bet-the-Company Litigation and Commercial Litigation Jaime Driggs – Family…
Kathryn Graves Publishes on the Practice of Family Law in Best Lawyers magazine
Katy Graves highlights how the practice of family law has changed since she began practicing in the 1980s when family court cases were often lengthy and resolved by court decision. “Family Matters” was published in Best Lawyer Business Edition magazine, summer 2016.
Attorneys Selected In 2016 Minnesota Super Lawyers And Rising Stars
Super Lawyers Magazine named more than half of Henson Efron attorneys to the 2016 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists for the state of Minnesota. Family law attorney Alan C. Eidsness was recognized in the top 10 of the overall Minnesota Super Lawyers list, a distinction he has received nine times since 2005. For the…
Christopher Burns Publishes Article on Trust Decanting
Christopher Burns with Lloyd D. Stern highlight the concept of trust decanting, a new and useful vehicle, but it is not without its own traps and pitfalls, which warrant moderation and a careful approach. “Pour carefully when decanting irrevocable trusts” was published in Minnesota Lawyer on June 27, 2016.
Jennie Clarke celebrates Ellevate with Kevyn Burger, Minnesota Business magazine
New global networking group for women comes to the Twin Cities. The new local chapter of Ellevate will kick off with a June 21 event. Minnesota women play an ever more prominent role in business, but making critical connections across sectors can sometimes be difficult. In June, the Twin Cities is officially launching a local…
Christopher Burns talks with Dan Heilman of Minnesota Lawyer
Are you ready for your close-up? When the news broke after Prince’s April 21 death that the music superstar apparently didn’t leave a will, prospective heirs to his fortune started coming out of the woodwork. And when that happened, news outlets far and wide did likewise, wanting to talk to Twin Cities probate and estate…
Christopher Burns Interviews with ABC News and KSTP-TV about Prince’s Estate
Christopher Burns interviews with ABC News Good Morning America and KSTP-TV Channel 5 About Minnesota Law and Prince’s Estate. Hearing for Prince’s Estate Scheduled for Monday to Decide Latest on Inheritance Eva Pilgrim May 1, 2016 Probate Firm Says Another Heir Could Be Named to Prince’s Estate Brett Hoffland April 29, 2016
Tax attorney, Stephen Hopkins, Speaks with Reuters’ Reporters, Ben Klayman and Alex Dobuzinskis
Tax attorney, Stephen Hopkins, Speaks with Reuters’ Reporters, Ben Klayman and Alex Dobuzinskis about Minnesota law and predicted a long, drawn-out case over Prince’s assets. Prince died without a will, six siblings likely to share fortune Tue Apr 26, 2016 Alex Dobuzinskis, Reuters Still no will found for Prince as Minnesota court opens probate process Mon…
Christopher Burns Talks with Jessica Miles of KSTP about the Role of a Special Administrator for Prince’s Estate
Prince’s Sister says Musician Had No Will, Files Paperwork Asking for Special Administrator Prince’s sister says the superstar musician had no known will, she’s filed paperwork asking that a special administrator be appointed by the court. Attorney Christopher Burns says that basically means a large financial institution will come in and do inventory of Prince’s…
Clark Opdahl Talks with Jamie Yuccas, CBS News, and Eva Pilgrim, ABC News, about How Prince’s Estate might be Handled if Prince Died Without a Will
Clark Opdahl talks with Jamie Yuccas, CBS News, and Eva Pilgrim, ABC News, about how Prince’s estate might be handled according to Minnesota Law if Prince died without a Will. By Jamie Yuccas, CBS News, April 23, 2016 Days after Prince’s death, many questions left unanswered By Eva Pilgrim, ABC News, April 24, 2016 Prince’s Friends,…
Henson Efron Ranked Tier 1 & Tier 2 Metropolitan “Best Law Firm” by U.S. News – Best Lawyers®
Three practice areas at the Minneapolis law firm Henson Efron were recently included in the 2016 “Best Law Firms” list in the Minneapolis metropolitan area by U.S. News Media Group, the publishers of U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers®. As part of this year’s ranking, Henson Efron’s Family Law practice was named at…
Attorneys Named as The Best Lawyers in America® 2016
Henson Efron announced today that seven of its attorneys were recently selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2016. (Copyright 2015 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, S.C.) The seven Henson Efron attorneys named as Best Lawyers for 2016 are: • Joseph T. Dixon, Jr. – Bet-the-Company Litigation and Commercial Litigation…
Christopher Burns Explores the New Minnesota Trust Code with Chris Hunt, Committee Chair
The Minnesota Legislature recently enacted a new Minnesota Trust Code, with the assistance of a committee chaired by Chris Hunt of Fredrikson & Byron. The committee spent about 3,500 hours—yes, you read that right—over 4 and ½ years preparing the bill. Christopher Burns, attorney and Chair of the Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Group at…
Henson Efron Attorneys Selected In 2015 Minnesota Super Lawyers And Rising Stars
Super Lawyers Magazine named more than half of Henson Efron attorneys to the 2015 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists for the state of Minnesota. Family law attorney Alan C. Eidsness was recognized in the top 10 of the overall Minnesota Super Lawyers list, a distinction he has received eight times since 2005. For the…
Attorneys Featured in Minneapolis/St. Paul Magazine’s “Top Women Attorneys in Minnesota” List
Four Henson Efron attorneys were featured on the list of “Top Women Attorneys in Minnesota” in the April print edition of Minneapolis/St. Paul Magazine. Attorneys were selected from the 2014 Minnesota Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists, which uses a patented multiphase selection process in which peer nominations and evaluations are combined with third party…
Recognition for the Successful Representation of Jesse Ventura in 2014 Defamation Case
Twin Cities Business magazine’s Lawsuits Of The Year: 2014 included the successful representation of Ventura in a defamation case. Ventura’s legal team was led by David Bradley Olsen and included Court Anderson, John Bisanz, Jr., Benjamin Hamborg, and paralegal Emily Erickson.