Thought Leadership

Taking a Step from Graduate to Grown-up:  Estate Planning and Other Considerations for Your Recent Graduate

Taking a Step from Graduate to Grown-up: Estate Planning and Other Considerations for Your Recent Graduate

Christopher Burns | Brigitt Orfield

Congratulations, proud moms and dads of new grads! As the summer comes to a close, be sure to add these other important preparations to your to-do list: Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney, Health Care Directive, and Digital Property Authorization These legal documents are not just for “grown-ups” anymore. Having your adult children sign statutory…

Powers of Attorneys
Takeaways From the Prince Estate Six Years Later

Takeaways From the Prince Estate Six Years Later

Christopher Burns | Alan Eidsness | Scott Emery | Brigitt Orfield | Lloyd Stern

Prince Rogers Nelson “Prince” died in April 2016 at the age of 57 leaving behind an estate with an appraised value obtained by the estate’s administrators of $82.3 million vs. a $163.2 million appraisal by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Now, not quite six years later, the estate has finally settled a long running dispute…

Gift Tax, Probate, Wills & Trust Agreements
Beneficiary Responsibility for Estate Tax Liability

Beneficiary Responsibility for Estate Tax Liability

Scott Emery

The role of personal representative of an estate includes numerous responsibilities, which include inventorying assets of the estate, identifying liabilities, and paying debts. Generally, the personal representative will make distributions to beneficiaries in accordance with their interest after the satisfaction of all obligations of an estate. However, it is not uncommon for a beneficiary to…
